For Recruiters

2 men in suits playing a video game and smiling

Have an internship or job to post that would be a good fit for a Champlain student or graduate? Create a profile in Handshake and post your opportunities to quickly and directly connect with Game Studio graduates.

You can find more information about posting jobs, connecting with students, and holding events on campus on Champlain’s Employer Resources page. If you have any other questions or need more information, reach out to our Career Collaborative team at (802) 860-2720, or at

For more information on the Game Studio, Senior Show, or our graduates, reach out to Game Studio Assistant Director and Career Coach Michelle Holtkamp at (802) 865-5465 or by email at

Senior Show 2023

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Interested in Learning More?

We’ll send you Game Studio info plus a game art poster designed by our students when you fill out this form.

Game Studio art and promotional text