
When collaboration is the cornerstone of the learning process, bringing together the very best people is crucial.
Group of smiling students

Meet Our Amazing People

Professor helping a group of students at a table


Our faculty are industry experts with years of experience in the field developing real game assets. They’ll share their knowledge and experiences with you throughout your time in the Game Studio to prepare you for a successful game development career.
Smiling student in front of a sign that says Champlain College


Hear about the experiences and successes of past Game Studio students. Our alumni have gone on to work at numerous AAA and indie game studios. The Champlain alumni network is full of people finding success in their dream career.
Faculty working with students at a game event

Career Collaborators

Your success at Champlain is of the utmost importance to us. Our support staff is here to help you through every step of your college experience, from career and major advice, to mental health and wellbeing assistance.
Smiling student

Current Students

Champlain students are the heart and soul of what makes Champlain a great place to study and earn a degree. Learn more about their experiences while attending Champlain College and what led them here.

Learn More About the Game Studio

Contact Daphne Walker
Game Studio Assistant Director and Career Coach
(802) 865-5465

The Game Studio feels like a family – we all help each other be the best we can.
Amy Zebrowski, ’21, Game Production Management

What’s Truly Unique About the Game Studio is its Sense of Community

In addition to formally organized events, Champlain faculty and advisors encourage students to support each other in and out of class just as in a professional studio. It’s been found that students who seek the help and critique of their peers are far more successful than those that do not. Building these relationships will lay the foundation for each student’s professional network for the future.

Interested in Learning More?

We’ll send you Game Studio info plus a game art poster designed by our students when you fill out this form.

Game Studio art and promotional text