Thomas Wagner

Project Role Riptide - VFX Programmer
Major Game Programming Major
Hometown North Reading, MA
Pronouns He/Him
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Passionate game programmer specializing in animation and systems programming, with some experience in graphics, physics, and AI programming. Experienced in maintaining documentation, handling interdisciplinary communication, and acting as programmer lead in a team. Outside of work, I love fantasy books and Dungeons and Dragons.

Professional Qualifications

  • Animation Programming
  • Systems Programming
  • Gameplay Programming
  • Version Control
  • Technical Documentation
  • Linear Algebra
  • AI Programming
  • Physics Programming

Technical Expertise

  • C++
  • C#
  • C
  • Unity
  • Unreal Engine
  • Git, SVN

Development Expertise

  • Game Studio I, II, and III
  • Slime-Boy: Stretched Thin, Lead Programmer
  • Riptide, Systems and Graphics Programmer

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