Junk Punk Arena takes you to New Braska. A statewide scrapyard controlled by the Jupiter Tech Company and home of the Arc of Action battle bot tournaments. With it being the only escape from the squalor of the New Braska slums, groups like the Wild Cards rise up to take Jupiter Tech down a peg; alongside thousands of other mechanics trying to make a name for themselves. To compete, contestants must submit a bot constructed from whatever materials they can provide; so for most people, it's the junk in their backyards. Then once the bots are built it's onto the action, stopping when only one bot is left standing. With that, the builder of the surviving bot is dubbed the new champion. Champions are then usually recruited by Jupiter Tech or snatched up by the Wild Cards. Roped into their ongoing crusade against one another, whipping the whole state into an uproar. Or they stay on the fringes, living tournament to tournament, waiting for their chance to strike out at both of them. So now the stage is set, and the players are in their places. Are you ready to step up and join them, or just watch from the sidelines?
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